RESIGN WITH USusing the form below Leave this field blank TENANT RESIGN FORM Name Current Room Course Start Date Course End Date Contract Length Would you like to stay in your current room, or move rooms? Tenancy Start Date Tenancy End Date Email Telephone Rent Payment Options Payment Upfront, In Full (Guarantor info no longer required) Monthly Beginning of each academic term Other GUARANTOR INFORMATION (If Applicable) Name (optional) Relationship (optional) Address (optional) Telephone Number (optional) Email Address (optional) TENANT'S AGREEMENT I, the undersigned, declare that the information given above is true and to the best of my knowledge. I authorise you to obtain any relevant information from any of the above parties and hereby authorise any of the above to release such details. I also understand as I am a student I will be asked to provide a UK resident guarantor who must be a homeowner or renting. Please note all of our contracts are for a fixed period and cannot be cancelled, altered, or revoked. To be released from a contract, your option is to find a suitable replacement tenant. Date Tenant Name FLATMATE SURVEY We think it's important you get on with your flatmates, which is why we use this flatmate survey. Seeking to determine who you are best suited to, this survey aims to get the most out of your living experience with us. All answers will remain confidential. Please answer the following questions to help us match you with similar flatmates. Name (optional) Age (optional) How did you find us? (optional) Search Engine Social Media Referral Agency University Other How many flatmates would you prefer to live with? (optional) 2 3 4 5 Would you prefer to live in a quiet cluster? (optional) Yes No What age range would you prefer your flatmates to be? (optional) 18 - 20 21 - 23 Post Graduate No Preference Do you smoke? (optional) Yes No How often do you consume alcohol/enjoy a night out? (optional) Never Monthly Weekly More often Are you planning on having regular visitors? (optional) Please observe our overnight visitor policy Yes No Do you have any gender preference for your flatmates? (optional) Male Female No Preference Do you have any other comments on your living preference? (optional) We cannot guarantee your preferred living arrangements will be available but we will try our best to accommodate. We will notify you if there are any issues. GUARANTOR INFORMATION COMPLETION NOT REQUIRED FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE PRE-PAYING IN FULL, OR IF HOUSING HANDS WILL BE ACTING AS YOUR GUARANTOR Tenant Details: Full Name (optional) Relationship (optional) Current Address (optional) Guarantor Details: Full Name (optional) Phone Number (optional) Email Address (optional) Current Address (optional) Time at Address (optional) Previous full addresses for last 6 years (inc postcodes) (optional) NI Number (optional) Date of Birth (optional) Nationality (optional) ID Type Provided (optional) (please email a scan or image to Passport Driving License Birth Certificate Evidence of home ownership or rent payments (optional) (please email proof to Last Mortgage Or Bank Statement If Renting Property Title Deed Current Employer & Address (optional) Your Position (optional) Time At Company (optional) A guarantor is a person who agrees to pay the rent or cover damage to the property if the tenant becomes unable to. As the landlord, we require proof that you as the guarantor will be able to cover any costs that the tenant doesn't pay. We ask that you please provide the following documentation where applicable. Evidence of Home Ownership or Bank Statement. Evidence of Employment - Contract or Written Confirmation from Employer. Last 3 Month's Payslips or Bank Statements. Last 6 Month's Accounts (if Self-Employed) Please email evidence of the above to DO YOU AGREE TO US CARRYING OUT A CREDIT CHECK ON YOU IN NECESSARY? (optional) Yes No HAVE YOU EVER HAD ADVERSE CREDIT HISTORY? (optional) Yes No GUARANTOR'S AGREEMENT I, the undersigned, declare that the information given above is true and to the best of my knowledge. I also agree to a credit check being undertaken on me if required. I am aware that failure to provide a copy of satisfactory ID, proof of income/earnings and failure of a credit check will result in the termination of me being able to act as the guarantor for the named applicant. Please note all of our contracts are for a fixed period and cannot be cancelled, altered, or revoked. To be released from a contract your option is to find a suitable replacement tenant. Date (optional) Guarantor Name (optional) Send